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Xiao Bu Suspect

Author: Time:2022-01-12136 second

Information summary:Burundi Miao, these two count as cylinder tyrants, with normal food intake, and change water once a week.Please tell the gods that the rat fish in the fish tank...., siamese life, cooked是什么意思.Xiao Bu Suspect

Burundi Miao, these two count as cylinder tyrants, with normal food intake, and change water once a week.Please tell the gods that the rat fish in the fish tank is normal

  =(Comments on alliance SianLon Arowana Aquatic friends)=

  Sonicpt001 Say: Dont keep fish in such a small tank~
Fish Friends Sonicpt001 Say: Dont keep fish in such a small tank~
Yuyou Yuanchen and his father Say: You dont say I thought it was dry and wet
Yuyou smiled sadly Say: Dont understand
Yuyou mfbbt Say: I guess filtering is not good, feeding is not normal, and sickness takes time to die. Each fish has a different constitution, like a cold.Change the filter.Feed quasily and control the temperature.
The habit that fish friends cant change Say: How many small cloths should be raised in this tank? How many small cloths should be raised?
Yuyou silently wei002 Say: Cloth cannot be compared to ratfish, which generally cannot die.
Fish friends are good Say: Die of hypoxiaHow about the quality of Jinlongyu wire?Golden Dragon Feather Wire Genuine Logo%Shenzhen Golden Dragon FeatherJinlongyu Group Co., Ltd.!Shenzhen Jinlongyu Wire Store$19 true and false golden dragon feather wires$Jinlongyu multi-core wire model^Jinlongyu 4 square wire price#True and false pictures of Jinlongyu wire@Jin Longyu: Chilpancingo Fish