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arowana walkford The new couple asks for advice

Author: Time:2021-12-15134 second

Information summary:  The novice has raised more than 30 cichlids. It has been in the tank for almost half a month. The water has not been changed. The water is still clean and the...., qian库, ar虚拟现实女友手游.arowana walkford The new couple asks for advice

  The novice has raised more than 30 cichlids. It has been in the tank for almost half a month. The water has not been changed. The water is still clean and the state of the fish is still good. Seeking advice on whether to change the water, how often to change the water,The cylinder is a 1.2-meter bottom filter cylinder.<img src=">

  = (Comments from Xianglong Aquatic Alliance Fish Friends) =

  Clockwise Say: Shuiqing does not mean good water.The water change requires regular quantitative.
Yuyou cngogjivw Say: Change it, a quarter
You observe that if the water is sticky and bubbly, you must change the water.
Guan Yu Say: Its time to change
Fish Friends Sonicpt001 Say: You asked about it last time. What are you waiting for?Can you see free ammonia in Shuiqing?Can you see nitrite nitrate?Even if you are small, you should change it.If you dont worry, you can start by one-eighth a week, and then gradually add a large amount to one-quarter.
Fish Friends Zhang Dan Say:
Its really bubbly, change it today. cngogjivw
Change it, a quarter
You observe that if the water is sticky and bubbly, you must change the water.
Fish Friends Zhang Dan Say:
The people in the fish shop put in the tap water and put it in. I see what else the forum needs to dry, what kind of water is generally better for changing water Sonicpt001
You asked about it last time. What are you waiting for?Can you see free ammonia in Shuiqing?Can you see nitrite nitrate?Even if you are small, you should change it. .
Fish Friends Sonicpt001 Say: 1
These are very honest and not fake, but you always have to keep a good variety in the future. Besides, there are so many fish and so many tanks in the fish shop.So their choice is to keep everything simple. Behind is high loss that you dont know.我的做法是鱼缸附近放个水体四分之一体积的整理箱 里面来点珊瑚骨和麦饭石 里面放个泵放个气头循环24小时就可以用了 入缸之前热水调温 用里面的泵抽上去(如果你缸内ph比较高可以慈鲷盐调水)泵的话注意下扬程问题 别箱子放得低水抽不上去(这个泵可以是你的备用泵 刚好派上用场) 另外这个箱子有时候可以应急用 繁殖隔离什么的都可以 新手还是好好养下水 麻烦点鱼死的少 供参考 张丹
The people in the fish shop put in the tap water and put it in. I see what else the forum needs to bask, and what kind of water is generally better for changing water
Fish Friends Zhang Dan Say: Roger that!Thanks, by the way, if there is any relevant WeChat stream in the forum.
Fish Friends Zhang Dan Say:
Roger that!Thanks, by the way, if there is any relevant WeChat stream in the forum. Sonicpt001
These are very honest and not fake, but you always have to keep a good variety in the future. Besides, there are so many fish in the fish shop and so many tanks.and so .tropical stormhomes for sellKoi does not eat floating feed*Parrotfish do not eat surface feed@Parrotfish can" t="" to="" target="_blank" href="" fish="" do="" of="" kind="" eat="" not="" parrot="" koi="" does="" feed="" formula="" for="" feed!